Courses Architect Orrin E. Smith

Orrin E. Smith - 10 Courses

Golf architect Photo, Orrin E. Smith
Orrin Edward Smith


Born: Southington, Connecticut

Died: New Britain, Connecticut, at age 75

Orrin E. Smith, was one of the pioneer American course architects and builders. He died at New Britain, Connecticut, July 22, 1958.

He was born in Southington. Connecticut and got into course work in 1916 supervising building of Shuttle Meadow GC, New Britain, Conn., to the design of Willie Parks, he stayed with Shuttle Meadow three years as course supt. In 1919 he went with Donald Boss and supervised building of seven courses and assisted in the design and construction of several more.

In 1924 he went into business for himself designing and building courses and was responsible for design or remodeling of 40 courses. The Westover Air Base course at Chicopee Falls, Mass., and an addition to the Stanley course in New Britain were his last jobs.

James G. Harrison of Pittsburgh and W m . F, Mitchell of N. Sutton, N. H. are among prominent architects who received training from Mr. Smith, Harrison was his supt. for some years. Mr. Smith's son, Edward, later became his supt., and in the 1950's Albert Zakorus of Bethel, Conn., was his supt. and associate.

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