Courses Architect Press Maxwell

Press Maxwell - 24 Courses

Golf architect Photo, Press Maxwell

J. Press Maxwell

(1916 - 1999)

Born: Ardmore, Oklahoma

Died: Morrison, Colorado, Dec 21, 2001 at age 83

President: 1960 - 1961, American Society of Golf Course Architects

Press learned his trade from one of the best, his father Perry Maxwell, with whom he collaborated after time out for some exemplary action in World War II, flying 81 combat missions with the 15th Air Force. Before rejoining his father after the war, however, Press remained in Europe at the request of Marshall Tito to serve with his colonel as a two-man Yugoslavian air force flying rescue missions for men who had been shot down behind enemy lines. His many service decorations include one from Tito.

After his father's death in 1952, Press emerged as one of golf course design's brightest stars. In 1960 Press served as president of the American Society of Golf Course Architects.

Press Maxwell worked out of Morrison, Colorado.

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