This question came in from one of the Fringe Faithful?
Bob – I need your help with a golf ruling:
I was recently putting for a very rare birdie at Flanders Valley from a long distance. My playing partner and now former friend tended the pin while chiding me about my monstrously long putt (around 80 feet – we walked it off afterwards). The putt ran at perfect speed and went straight for the hole, seemingly to simply drop in. The issue was when my playing partner did not remove the pin, nor move it in any way. The ball bounced off the pin about a foot or so away, which was an easy tap-in for par. What is the ruling? I've gotten answers from a 2-stroke penalty for ME as he was acting as my “caddie” at the time (seems unfair – he was also an opponent), to people urging me to have taken the birdie. I took the par.
Your ruling would help put this to rest, and potentially save additional bodily harm to my friend,