Off the Fringe, “Golf’s best short read.” The award winning newsletter, sent twice monthly, that provides an unconventional perspective on the golf world.
Anonomous Golfer
(cart included), played on Friday, April 2011 at noon
The course recently had a membership drive that was successful for the clubhouse. Unfortunately, the course has become unplayable. My 12:16pm tee time went off at 12:50pm and we finally finished 9 holes at 3:30pm. I had to walk off the course after 9 holes, 18 holes of golf should NEVER take 6+ hours under any circumstances. We spent more time standing around than golfing... NOT FUN. I'll never go back.
(cart included), played on Friday, April 2011 at noon
The course recently had a membership drive that was successful for the clubhouse. Unfortunately, the course has become unplayable. My 12:16pm tee time went off at 12:50pm and we finally finished 9 holes at 3:30pm. I had to walk off the course after 9 holes, 18 holes of golf should NEVER take 6+ hours under any circumstances. We spent more time standing around than golfing... NOT FUN. I'll never go back.