Off the Fringe, “Golf’s best short read.” The award winning newsletter, sent twice monthly, that provides an unconventional perspective on the golf world.
Jack Riever
$21 (cart included), played on Wednesday, June 2010 at 8am
This course ranks in the top 5 public course's in terms of difficulty
for this area. Its a fair course and the greens are generally in ex-
cellent but challenging condition. Holes 2 thru 5 are the toughest 4
hole strech for public course's in Saginaw Cty. The staff could not
be more accommodating if given the proper respect, for them and the
course. You will find the majority of members courteous, helpful,
and a pleasant expartee experience. It is worth the drive if you en-
joy a challenge, good conditions, and an aura of wanting you there
conveyed by the owners and staff.
Would travel: 0-10 Miles, Not Vacation Worthy
Bottom line: Better than average course for the area, Ranks with the best in this price level
Condition of Course, Difficulty, Layout, Price, Ambiance, No Houses on Course, Pace of Play, Staff, Clubhouse, Pro Shop
$21 (cart included), played on Wednesday, June 2010 at 8am
This course ranks in the top 5 public course's in terms of difficulty for this area. Its a fair course and the greens are generally in ex- cellent but challenging condition. Holes 2 thru 5 are the toughest 4 hole strech for public course's in Saginaw Cty. The staff could not be more accommodating if given the proper respect, for them and the course. You will find the majority of members courteous, helpful, and a pleasant expartee experience. It is worth the drive if you en- joy a challenge, good conditions, and an aura of wanting you there conveyed by the owners and staff.